Create the Love and Life You Truly Deserve

I help women attract loving, supportive partners so that they can enjoy meaningful relationships and be fully appreciated for all they do, without spending years in therapy or rehashing old traumatic memories.

Create the Love and Life You Truly Deserve

I help women attract loving, supportive partners so that they can enjoy meaningful relationships and be fully appreciated for all they do, without spending years in therapy or rehashing old traumatic memories.


enD THE CYCLE of trauma

I'll admit it - many therapists aren't able to help everyone, even though they try to do their best. Trust me - I get it!! My trauma forced me to take matters into my own hands. I went through years of seeking help and searching everywhere I could to find the answers I needed. I spent what seemed like endless amounts of time trying to fix the issues present in my life... I even went to school to learn the psychology of compounding trauma. 

I need you to know that you're not the problem. You've been through pain most people wouldn't be able to endure. You didn't deserve any of it, but out of it comes the unbelievable strength you've been carrying because you are a courageous woman. Take a moment and love yourself for a moment... 

You deserve to be free from the pain holding you back. Together, we will work to find the patterns that keep you stuck and remove them so you can move forward with your life. You are strong and capable of anything – let me help you remember that.

"I have spent more than a decade reading every book and listening to every podcast on narcissistic abuse yet this program introduced many new concepts and behaviors of the victim response that gave great insight and tools to change the dynamic. It is transformational."

- Renee

"I have spent more than a decade reading every book and listening to every podcast on narcissistic abuse yet this program introduced many new concepts and behaviors of the victim response that gave great insight and tools to change the dynamic. It is transformational."


Are you ready to finally feel appreciated for everything you do?

Are you dreaming of a loving, supportive relationship where your partner truly sees you?

Do you want a life where you are surrounded by people who value and respect your hard work, your heart, and your dreams?

If you’ve been giving everything you have—at work, at home, in your relationships—and still not getting the love and support you deserve. You’re putting others first, bending over backward to make everyone else happy, but it’s draining you. Deep down, you know something needs to change.

Right now, you might be stuck in the same old patterns—over-giving, staying quiet to keep the peace, or waiting for someone to finally recognize your worth.

But here’s the truth: The more you try to please others, the more they take, and the less you receive in return.

What you’re doing now isn’t working. It’s time to stop settling and start attracting the kind of love, respect, and appreciation you deserve.

Has anyone ever told you to stop focusing on what happened and move on? Have you ever felt frustrated, tired, guilty, and ashamed because no matter how hard you tried, you just can't stop thinking about how it all went wrong? How you could have been lied to for so long and not known anything was going on?


Courageous Living Transformation

From Surviving to Thriving

A 90 day sacred healing journey to overcome the past without rehashing the memories or spending years in therapy.

1. Reclaim your self worth

Rediscover Your Self-Worth: Say goodbye to self-doubt and embrace a life where you unapologetically celebrate who you are. In this transformative journey, resolve the pain of what happened and reactivate your self-worth. You deserve to be heard, seen, and valued. Through healing and empowerment, rediscover your authentic voice and confidently communicate your desires. Embrace a future where self-acceptance and self-love replace shame and self-sabotage.

2. Restore Trust in Your Instincts so you can evolve into Your Truest Self

You will be confident in trusting your intuition, setting boundaries without guilt, and dancing with fear so you are no longer controlled or manipulated by it. You will tap into your inner wisdom and trust your gut instincts. With newfound confidence, you'll establish healthy boundaries, honoring your own needs and desires. Fear will no longer hold you back as you learn to embrace it and use it as a catalyst for growth and resilience.

3. Reinvent your life: break Free from Destructive Patterns holding you back

You will understand your self-destructive patterns holding you back. You will unravel their roots and shed light on their influence in your life. Through this journey of self-discovery, you'll gain a profound understanding of these patterns and break free from them. Armed with this knowledge, you'll have the power to transform your life and make conscious choices that align with your true desires.

Look, if you don’t do this work you will repeat the pattern. You will attract another person into your life who lies to you, takes advantage of you, and requires you to over give and please with little to nothing in return. It’s this or you will choose to stay lonely and isolated forever. Neither of these will bring you the joy and fulfillment you deserve. You’ve been through enough. Don’t perpetuate the pain. Learn the energetics of attraction and clear up all the ways you are stuck and stagnant so you can attract a life your heart desires.

"The content of the course is exceptional. It is very well laid out, very well explained on the videos and provides content for further exploration. The meditations at the end of each module are very much appreciated. The group sessions are intimate and supportive. The timeline for the course allows for integration of the new concepts which take time to explore and evaluate. It is transformational and I highly recommend it. It's better than the months and months of sitting in the therapists office circling round and round with not enough feedback or insight."

- Lisa

"The content of the course is exceptional. It is very well laid out, very well explained on the videos and provides content for further exploration. The meditations at the end of each module are very much appreciated. The group sessions are intimate and supportive. The timeline for the course allows for integration of the new concepts which take time to explore and evaluate. It is transformational and I highly recommend it. It's better than the months and months of sitting in the therapists office circling round and round with not enough feedback or insight."


This Isn't Your Guru's "Program"

The truth is that most coaching courses are a waste of time and money. They're typically just a long laundry list of empty promises, "to-do's" that end up draining you more than they fulfill and inspire you, and let's not get started on the "fluff" that's designed to keep you inside (regardless of your results)!

This is NOT one of those programs. This is a journey.

I created the Courageous Living Transformation Journey because I’ve seen too many strong, capable women give everything they have to their relationships and still feel unappreciated, unsupported, and unseen.

These women, often the backbone of their families and careers, deserve more than a life of constant giving without receiving the love and respect they crave. I’ve been there myself, and I know what it’s like to feel stuck in a cycle of over-giving and hoping things will change. I designed this program to help women break free from those patterns, step into their power, and create relationships where they’re not just valued, but cherished. It’s time for you to attract the life and love you truly deserve—without spending years in therapy or dwelling on the past.

When I was going through recovery from Betrayal, I wished I had a solid framework or someone to help me through all the bumps in the road. I wanted a way to create the life of my dreams without wasting any more time dredging up old memories or spending hour after hour in therapy. Sadly for me, nothing like that existed.

I am so passionate about helping you because I wish something like that existed for me—the ripple effect of sharing knowledge and seeing growth benefits every woman and her family.

I’m giving you everything I’ve learned as a Certified Trauma Model Therapist who specializes in trauma. I will share my industry secrets, guide you along the journey, and give you my blueprints so you can attract the partner of your dreams and create the life you love!

My goal for this program is simple: I want to help as many amazing women as possible be as successful in their personal life as they are in their professional life.

I want you to live a life you truly deserve.


Hey, I'm Janice Holland!

A Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Trauma Model Therapist. I have helped countless women find freedom from betrayal and live a life full of joy, meaning, and abundance.
I have been there, beautiful. I spent many years recovering from the trauma of the betrayal I experienced in my 19 year marriage. I worked so hard to hold it all together and earn love, favor, and acceptance.
I had a constant stream of emotional vampires everywhere I went, my ex-husband being at the top of the list. I worked tirelessly to ensure I was successful in my work and the needs of my family were met. The devastation I experienced after finding out he was unfaithful through our whole marriage almost completely broke me.

I did the grief work I needed to do. I now know how to stay powerfully connected to the knowledge and understanding in my head while expressing who I am as a women and help other women do the same. 

See how "Courageous LIVING" has helped over 100+ females confidently live an abundant life

Look at what these amazing women were able to accomplish in 90 days:


Before: She joined after her second marriage of 7 years failed. She found out he was cheating on her through the whole marriage. When she joined she was anxious and depressed. She had low self esteem and thought everything was her fault. She had no trust in herself, her ability to make decisions and she felt so guilty for all her son had been through. Jenny also had physical symptoms related to stress that showed up as an autoimmune disorder. 

After 90 days: Jenny attends social gatherings and enjoys her time there without feeling overwhelmed or like she wants to hide. She confidently walks up to people and engages in conversation. She recently started dating and is enjoying the process of getting to know this man without attaching to him or ruminating over where the relationship is going. She feels confident in herself and her body and trusts her instincts as she navigates her relationships and day to day life. She is not experiencing any autoimmune disorder symptoms and the man she is getting to know now is consistent, calm, and adores her.


Before: Sarah’s marriage was falling apart. She felt confused all the time and unsure of what moves to make. She made many big decisions in fear (like moving to a different state) to try and protect herself from further fallout, but then discovered that these big decisions brought more pain and chaos into her life. She ran through thoughts and scenarios in her head all the time and was never able to relax and be present with the moment. Sarah had isolated herself and didn’t have many connections with family or friends, she spent all her time working on her business. She had a constant focus on what her husband was or wasn’t doing. She thought all day and night about what he was hiding, what his motives are, and what his next moves will be. 

After 90 Days: Sarah’s divorce is still not final but her emotional and mental state has completely changed. She knows how to set boundaries with her husband and ask her body what it needs in order to stay regulated and out of her stress response. She thinks clearly now and makes her decisions based on what is best for her because she knows what she truly wants and needs. She is communicating with her children and validating their experiences without going into self sabotage or self loathing because she is no longer driven by guilt or shame. 


Before: Karen had been divorced for more than 10 years but she had consumed herself with work and didn’t ever really deal with her feelings. She is very successful at work but personally felt lost, hopeless, and deeply lonely. She allowed people to take advantage of her and use her for her money, especially her son. She was uncomfortable setting boundaries and lived in a constant state of stress and feeling tired because she didn’t know how to rest or take care of herself without feeling guilty. She was in constant conflict with her son but she didn’t know how to change the dynamic. Every time she tried she felt guilty and would back down. 

After 90 Days: Karen feels a constant sense of peace rather than emptiness and frustration. She is still managing some conflict with her adult son but she has learned how to set and hold boundaries with him without feeling guilty or allowing him to break the boundaries down. She is saying no to projects at work that she doesn’t need to take on and she is scheduling self care retreats once a quarter to rest and love on herself. She now has quality men pursuing her and she is loving her ability to stay relaxed and enjoy the process of dating because she trusts herself and isn't worried about the future.

It’s your turn now! There is a better version of yourself just waiting to come out. It’s time to take action and bring out the best of who we know is deep down inside.


Over the next 90 days, you will:


Shift from feeling like the only way to feel ‘you’ again is by running away from everything and everyone you love to feeling full of life right in the middle of who you are today. Reconnect with and act on your intuitive senses and build a strong foundation to confidently leave old beliefs behind as you rise to the woman you were created to be!


Gain awareness of the experiences that caused you to disconnect from your heart and move into overworking for love and acceptance. You will safely release that overwork, creating a pathway forward to receiving love, light, joy, and abundance. This light will allow you to set healthy boundaries without feeling guilt or shame.


End repetitive self-destructive patterns. It’s time to let go of those old coping strategies! Move from feeling numb, guilty, and burdened to alive, light, joyful, and abundant—aware of your true self! You will begin attracting people into your orbit who are loving, giving, joyful, and abundant rather than those who continue to drain your energy. You will gain the tools to set empowering, healthy boundaries and wake up each morning feeling more alive than ever.


Learn the value of leaning back into your divine feminine energy and allowing the full expression of who you are to come alive from within. You will learn the power you hold as a woman in just being and receiving. From here forward it is all about living your life with grace and ease from abundance.


One of the most powerful and life changing things we do is learn how to dance with fear rather than be controlled by it. Most everyone who feels stuck, is paralyzed by fear. I will give you the exact steps you need to take to liquidize the stress response and dance in the face of fear.


Lose the religious and societal ideology for who you are meant to be and listen to the divine speak from within and awaken who you are. Rip off the binding, patriarchal BS and allow the beautiful, radiant, free-flowing feminine energy to rise from within.

"Janice's courses are so inspiring and beautiful. She is a caring and compassionate trauma therapist who has created a wonderful course that is both intellectually stimulating and deeply healing. The modules go into the understanding of trauma and how it effects us and the guided meditation ‘you are not crazy’ is perfect for times when your head is spinning from the impressions of abusive others who may have been gaslighting. 
She offers deeper personal support in the live video Zoom classes and also one on one personal sessions for targeting the issues that you may need extra help or time for. 
I would definitely recommend Janice and her work for women who have had any type of traumatic experiences.  Her voice is soothing and encouraging. Her presence is kind and caring."

- Surabji

"Janice's courses is so inspiring and beautiful. She is a caring and compassionate trauma therapist who has created a wonderful course that is both intellectually stimulating and deeply healing. 

The modules go into the understanding of trauma and how it effects us and the guided meditation ‘you are not crazy’ is perfect for times when your head is spinning from the impressions of abusive others who may have been gaslighting. 

She offers deeper personal support in the live video zoom classes and also one on one personal sessions for targeting the issues that you may need extra help or time for. 

I would definitely recommend Janice and her work for women who have had any type of traumatic experiences. 

Her voice is soothing and encouraging. Her presence is kind and caring."


I believe Traditional Therapy is

NOT What You Need...

If you’re still reading and you’re wondering why our system works so well, its because I have cut all the BS and narrowed down my process to address exactly what you need to overcome betrayal.

Many helping professionals don't always understand the complexities of compounding trauma, betrayal, or how working hard only perpetuates the problem.

If you have sought help from counselors, pastors, teachers, and healers only to feel even more isolated and stuck—I see you. I've experienced it too. 

I took matters into my own hands and went to school to learn the psychology of compounding trauma and betrayal. I moved out of my home culture. I went through years and years of seeking help everywhere I could find. I spent years trying to fix problems that weren’t problems at all. You are not a problem, beauty. Your attitude, your heart, nothing about you is a problem.
I learned this the long, hard way.

The Good News Is That...

You don’t have to go through years of frustrating searching and testing to see what will help. I have already been through it and can help you find your way back to yourself. I can help you ditch that nagging feeling of isolation and loneliness forever. AND YOU DON'T NEED YEARS OF THERAPY, "TRAUMA WORK", OR RELIVING OLD MEMORIES! HALLELUJAH!!

You are whole and complete just the way you are. It is time to do the work of true, transformative healing so you can connect with the whole, complete woman inside—the woman who was created to be light and free, full of joy, laughter, and abundance. She is in there screaming to get out. It’s time to let her out, beautiful! Register now and I'll show you everything you need to do to live an abundant life.

Do You Know?

I was stuck in masculine energy for years thinking that if I worked hard and achieved more, it would validate who I am as a person and I would feel whole. I worked very hard to achieve high success, I checked every single box. It was devastating when I realized that all that hard work did not bring me the fulfillment and accomplishment I was after. I was miserable and felt so guilty. I dove into counseling myself and realized that as long as my head and my heart were disconnected from each other, I would never have the life of joy, meaning, and abundance. I spent thousands of dollars, experienced many false starts with therapists, and endured years of heartache before I figured out the key to meaning, joy, and happiness was within me all along. I'm here to help you bypass all that BS and get to your thriving life.

Do You Know?

I was stuck in masculine energy for years thinking that if I worked hard and achieved more, it would validate who I am as a person and I would feel whole. I worked very hard to achieve high success, I checked every single box. It was devastating when I realized that all that hard work did not bring me the fulfillment and accomplishment I was after. I was miserable and felt so guilty. I dove into counseling myself and realized that as long as my head and my heart were disconnected from each other, I would never have the life of joy, meaning, and abundance. I spent thousands of dollars, experienced many false starts with therapists, and endured years of heartache before I figured out the key to meaning, joy, and happiness was within me all along. 


  • Keep the aspects of yourselves that you are proud of. 

  • Learn how to let go of the betrayal of the past and use your pain as a portal into your highest expansion

  • ​Learn how to connect and express from your heart to go to undiscovered places. 

  • ​Know what you feel and learn the patterns you have created that are building roadblocks to the life you want.

I will guide you on a potent and transformative journey of healing like you have never experienced. It will change your interactions with your children, family, friends, and the world. Click below and lets get to it!

© JANICE HOLLAND . All rights reserved.